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2013 9/4-5 South Wind Photo Exhibition Set Up (Taichung Area)

Did you have a chance to make it to this amazing “South Wind” photo exhibition by the spectacular PNN photojournalist Edd Jhong? It was hosted in Taipei and now it’s coming to Taichung, needs some helping hands to set up the venue. Read more about the exhibition in Taipei Times.

Date/Time: September 4th (Wednesday) and 5th (Thursday) / Anytime during the day

Location: 2F No. 69, Zhōngshān Rd, Zhong District ( )

Tasks: Unpack and set up venue for photo exhibition.

Language Proficiency: Level One. Should be self-explanatory enough and basic English directions can be given. If your language proficiency is higher it would be even more informative and interesting so you can learn about the purpose of the exhibition.
Contact: handfulofsapphires (at)

Prior relevant post:

Chen Kin Fong is 61 years old, standing in front of the portrait of her husband who passed away two years ago. After his death at 59 years old, he had left her nothing but a home that still had payments due. The couple did not come from a background of wealth or high education and worked side by side farming for others. Her husband was neither a smoker, drinker, nor betel chewer but suddenly contracted oral cancer and lung adenocarcinoma. His wife is left with questions of how, of why. Should we ask the question of why there continues to be tales running on the similar veins in ChangHwa? 陳金鳳61歲,前年過世的丈夫許世賢幾乎什麼也沒能留給她;除了一棟已經繳了20年房貸還沒結清的破房子,還有幾年來為了治病所欠下的負債。許世賢還在世時,兩夫妻總是一起下田耕種,但他們名下沒有任何土地,只能幫人代種領工錢,家境一直不好。民國95年,不菸不酒不嚼檳榔的許世賢突然罹患口腔癌,四處求醫也無法獲得改善,最終在100年11月轉移肺腺癌過世,享年59歲。 談起許世賢的病,陳金鳳說自己只是沒讀多少書的鄉下人,無法多做說明,但她確實對丈夫的病感到疑惑–何以一名不煙不酒不嚼檳榔的鄉下農夫,會得到口腔癌、肺腺癌呢?

Chen Kin Fong is 61 years old, standing in front of the portrait of her husband who passed away two years ago.
After his death at 59 years old, he had left her nothing but a home that still had payments due. The couple did not come from a background of wealth or high education and worked side by side farming for others. Her husband was neither a smoker, drinker, nor betel chewer but suddenly contracted oral cancer and lung adenocarcinoma.
His wife is left with questions of how, of why. Should we ask the question of why there continues to be tales running on the similar veins in ChangHwa?

PNN Report: … thwind.htm
Taipei Times Report:

About handfulofsapphires



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